TermNet's TermStrategy 2030 - Make a Wish and Contribute! |
International Center of Excellence for Terminology: Research, Technologies and Services |
Creation of an International Terminology Service Centre for Business |
EUCert - European Certificates Innovative Online Training Campus (LLL, Multilateral) |
ELCAT - Innovatives E-Learning: Contentaufbereitung von |
TermTurk – Terminology for cross-cultural dialogue and specialized communication http://www.termturk.org/index_en.php |
MONTIFIC – Multilingual ONTology for Internal FInancial Control |
MIG-IKT - Support of young Migrants. Developing a new Net-Gen-oriented |
eCAT - Multilingual eCataloguing and eClassification in eBusiness |
WISE - Women Integration and Skills for Entrepreneurship A Leonardo da Vinci pilot project http://www.termnet.org/english/projects/wise.php http://www.ubique.org/wise |
EuroTermBank - Collection of Pan-European Terminology Resources through Cooperation of Terminology Institutions http://www.eurotermbank.com |
IN-SAFETY - INfrastructure and SAFETY Project aimed at using intelligent, intuitive and cost-efficient combinations of new technologies and traditional infrastructure best practice applications, in order to enhance the self-explanatory nature of roads. http://www.insafety-eu.org/ |
ASK-IT Ambient Intelligence System of Agents for Knowledge-based |
TermTrain - Design and implementation of practice oriented terminology trainings
European Training Tools for eContent Start ups and SME's Expansion
Partnership Agreement Between Content and Technology
Pan-European NETwork for the intelligent provision of content and interactive services to SMEs http://www.termnet.info/english/projects/SME-net.php |
Sulzweg 9/3
1190 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 664 344 6180
E-mail: termnet@termnet.org