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TermNet - International network for terminology

Exam and Certification

To become an ECQA Certified Terminology Manager, candidates have to take an oral exam (a project presentation) and a written exam. Successful candidates pass all learning elements with at least 66,66%.

The oral exam is taken online (20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes Q&A with an ECQA Certified Assessor).

The written exam is taken electronically, using randomised questions from a central pool of multiple choice exam questions. Participants have 3 hours to complete the exam.

Anybody interested in becoming a Certified Terminology Manager can do a selftest on the ECQA platform:

Make a selftest for the basic level.

Try out if you already reached the advanced level?

And this is for the selftest for advanced level + engineering environment.


Exam fees and certificate:

These fees are additional to training fees

  • for the BASIC exam: additional € 234 (VAT-exempt) - per attempt
  • for the ADVANCED exam: additional € 354 (VAT-exempt) - per attempt
  • for the ENGINEERING exam: additional € 397 (VAT-exempt) - per attempt


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