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TermNet - International network for terminology

International Terminology Summer School 2014


  • 390 EUR for students (excluding VAT 20%)*
  • 702 EUR for university staff and organisations (excluding VAT 20%)*
  • 858 EUR regular fee (excluding VAT 20%)*

Special conditions apply for TermNet Members and their members!

»» Special conditions for TermNet Members: First participant € 540,- and each additional participant € 300,- ««

»» Students will have to produce their Student ID ««

* No VAT taxes will be added to the price for European companies, organization and universities that provide a valid European VAT number for the invoicing, according to the European VAT Transfer System (reverse charge).




The examination fee for the ECQA Certified Terminology Manager -  Basic or Advanced is not included and is to be paid to ECQA. This exam is not compulsory.

Fees for the exams currently are 234 Euro for BASIC and 354 Euro for ADVANCED (VAT included in both cases).


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Note: The above rates include tuition, course material, participation in side events, coffee/tea breaks and a networking event on 14 July 2014.
It does not include travel and accommodation costs. Lunch, dinner and any private expenses are also excluded.

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