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TermNet - International network for terminology

About ECQA - European Certification & Qualification Association


The ECQA is the result of a number of EU supported initiatives in the last ten years where in the European Union Life Long Learning Program different educational developments decided to follow a joint process for the certification of persons in the industry. Through the ECQA it becomes possible to attend courses for a specific profession in one country and perform a Europe-wide agreed examination at the end of the course. The certificate will be recognized by European training organizations and institutions in 18 member countries.

  • The ECQA is a non-profit association, joining institutions and thousands of professionals from all over Europe and abroad.
  • ECQA provides a world-wide unified certification schema for numerous professions.
  • ECQA brings together experts from the market and supports the definition and development of the knowledge (Skills Sets) required for professions.
  • ECQA defines and verifies quality criteria for training organisations and trainers to assure the same level of training all over the world.
  • ECQA promotes all certified professionals.

More information about ECQA at: www.ecqa.org

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