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TermNet - International network for terminology

eQual - Multilingual eContent Management

[eQual]® [eQual]®  is a registered, future-oriented training portfolio for SMEs with the slogan Opening the door to new markets: global infrastructure - local markets that has been developed by TermNet as part of a project commissioned by the Austrian Ministry of Economy and Labour.

The goal of [eQual]® trainings

When SMEs introduce electronic business processes, they should be optimally informed and advised so that they can avoid wasteful investments from the very beginning. If the eBusiness and content management incorporates a multilingual, localized approach, international standards and EU-wide recommendations from the very beginning, considerable amounts of money can be saved. The basic skills and advanced know-how taught are meant to provide international business oriented SMEs and start-ups with a knowledge advantage that will ensure long-term competitiveness, increased efficiency and cost savings.

The [eQual]® portfolio

  • [eQual]® MCM
    Multilingual Content Management for SMEs
  • [eQual]® BP
    International Business Expansion for SMEs
  • [eQual]® eTerminology & eKnowledge Management
    Technical language and terminological methods as instruments for information knowledge management
  • [eQual]® eCAT
    Multilingual Product Catalogues in eBusiness
  • [eQual]® ePDC
    Multilingual Product Descriptions and Classifications in eBusiness

If you too are interested in organizing joint trainings with TermNet, please contact us.

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