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TermNet - International network for terminology

ECQA CTM - Advanced: Fees for the e-learning course 2015

  • 980 EUR - Large Enterprises and Organizations (more than 35 employees)*
  • 820 EUR - Small & Medium Sized Enterprises and Organizations (5 – 34 employees)*
  • 820 EUR - University Staff*
  • 650 EUR - Self-employed, One Person Enterprises and Micro Enterprises (0-4 employees)*
  • 390 EUR - Students*

* All fees exclude 20% VAT.  No VAT will be added to the price for European companies, organization and universities that provide a European VAT number for the invoicing, according to the European VAT Transfer System.


20% discount for TermNet Members
Participants need to provide proof of eligibility for the reduced fee categories.


Exam fee and certificate:

The examination and administrative fee is additional

- for the BASIC level: additional € 234 (VAT-exempt)
- for the ADVANCED level: additional € 354 (VAT-exempt)


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