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TermNet - International network for terminology

Fees and payments

997 EUR -  excluding 20% VAT. 
No VAT will be added to the price for European companies, organization and universities that provide a European VAT number for the invoicing, according to the European VAT Transfer System.



  • 20% discount for TermNet Members
  • 20% discount for AILIA (Language Industry Association) Members
  • 20% discount for EAFT Members

All discounts are not cumulative, they cannot be combined nor be applied retroactively.   Participants need to provide proof of eligibility for the reduced fee categories. No discounts on exam fees.


Payment is done via Digistore24 (European Digital Payment System), and via Eventbrite (US American Payment System) for the reduced fees for TermNet members.

In exceptional cases, payment can be done via bank transfer. The bank details and amount to be paid are stated on the offer/invoice you receive from us after application. Please ensure that the full amount is paid and the purpose and your name is clearly recognizable. Please note that your bank may charge banking fees which are your responsibility.

Fees include

Training, refreshments, social event/reception, training material (online), certificate of participation.

Fees do not include
Any meals except during the Monday evening reception, accommodation, travel expenses, ECQA exam fees.

Exam fees and certificate:

The examination fee is additional to the course fees.

- for the BASIC level: additional € 234 (VAT-exempt)
- for the ADVANCED level: additional € 354 (VAT-exempt)




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