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TermNet - International network for terminology

International Terminology Summer School 2012

ECQA Certificate for Terminology Managers

The International Terminology Summer School is a training in the framework of the ECQA Certified Terminology Manager activities (read more about this training program).

The TSS2012 programme is developed in cooperation with the ECQA initiative and this makes possible for TSS2012 participants to obtain the ECQA Certificate for Terminology Managers by performing the official ECQA exam for the job role Certified Terminology Manager - Basic.

Exam fee and certificate: € 150 (excluding VAT)*
* No VAT taxes will be added to the price for European companies, organization and universities that provide a European VAT number for the invoicing, according to the European VAT Transfer System.

If you are interested in obtaining this extra qualification, contact us and we will inform you about all details.

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