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TermNet - International network for terminology

International Terminology Summer School 2008

Photos, voices and participants

"I want to thank you and your colleagues for a great summer course in terminology last July. Not only did I learn a lot, I also had a great time!"

"Brilliant for knowledge sharing...."

"I am very satisfied with the summer school and happy that I've finally the chance to attend to it. It is useful not only for terminologist but also for project managers, IT specialist and, of course, for translators...."


"It was really a great pleasure to attend the terminology summer school. Thank you very much for organising it just perfectly."

"Actually, for me meeting people and networking were the main reason to come to TSS08 and its best outcome. The world of terminology is small, but there are still language barriers and geographical distances. It's great that TermNet arranges events which bring people from many countries together!"

"... writing to thank you for the conference - it was a great experience and the organization was excellent."

"I most enjoyed the highly professionalism of the presentations, their diverse styles and the variety of information."

"I loved my stay in Vienna, particularly the opportunity to attend the ITSS 2008"

"I believe it is very necessary to be in touch with other professionals to develop terminology work."

"Thank you all for the wonderful event, good planning, great program and relaxed and friendly atmosphere!"


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