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TermNet - International network for terminology


Translators Association of China (TAC)


TAC was founded in 1982. As the only national association in the field of translation in China, it functions as an academic as well as professional association. Made up of institutions, enterprises, associations and individuals all over the country engaged in translation and interpretation, on a voluntary basis, TAC has group, corporate and individual members in China's 34 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and special administrative regions.

TAC aims to rally and organize translators and interpreters, and people devoted to the promotion of the profession, from all sectors of society throughout the country, to conduct research in translation and interpretation and academic exchanges, train a large contingent of translators and interpreters, improve the self-discipline and regulation of the translation industry, protect the legitimate rights and interests of translators and interpreters, and facilitate exchanges and cooperation with its counterparts both at home and abroad.


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