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TermNet - International network for terminology


Lexical Computing Ltd.

United Kingdom

Lexical Computing is a small research company, founded by Adam Kilgarriff in 2003. It works at the intersection of corpus and computational linguistics, and is committed to an empiricist approach to the study of language, in which corpora play a central role: for a very wide range of linguistic questions, if a suitable corpus is available, it will help our understanding. Its strap line is ‘corpora for all’.

It has a leading corpus query tool, the Sketch Engine, incorporating ‘word sketches’, one page corpus-driven summaries of word’s grammatical and collocational behaviour. The lead users for the Sketch Engine have been dictionary publishers and it is in day-to-day use for lexicography at Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Collins, Macmillan, Cornelsen and the Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie (INL, Institute of Dutch Lexicology) among others.


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