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TermNet - International network for terminology


Macedonian Translators Association (MATA)

Republic of Macedonia

The Macedonian Translators Association (MATA) is a professional development association founded in December 2010.

MATA mission is to formulate and maintain professional standards and ethics in the Republic of Macedonia, provide opportunities for continuous education and professional development of translators and promote the translation profession among the members of the profession, potential clients and the general public.

MATA objectives are:
  • to promote the translation profession;
  • to promote communication and raise awareness of the benefits of translation work;
  • to formulate and maintain standards of professional practice and code of ethics, as well as of professional competence;
  • to stimulate and foster education and professional development of translators;
  • to provide a forum for cooperation with members of related professions, and
  • to foster professional and social relations among its members.


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